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sharing heritage through community performance
Stories to Stage
We work with groups of people who share a common event, interest, occupation or location. We research, listen to and digitally record their stories. We take the transcript of those recordings and through writing workshops, help communities to create a performance piece to share with new audiences. We will lead participants through rehearsal to finished performance. There’s a place for everyone – onstage and behind the scenes. We perform in non-traditional venues – pubs, community halls, libraries. Our way of working is called the Stories to Stage model.
Our aim is help people explore and record the lives, characters and events of their community through unique and dynamic performance, public engagement activities and live events. We use the word community in its broadest meaning - a group of people connected by common experience. Whether that experience is rooted in work, leisure or a place, it brings together diverse individuals and their stories.The involvement of community members is absolutely core to the process. Whether onstage or behind the scenes, there's a role for everyone. Every production needs researchers, writers, social media enthusiasts, photographers, costume and prop makers, as well as actors, singers and dancers.
If you're a member of a community with stories to tell, then why not get in touch and let History in Action help you bring them to a wider audience.
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